I am a beginning touring cyclist, and I happened across your terrific website. My wife and I have done two tours-in the Dordogne in south central France and this May and June a trip around Burgundy and then from Beaune to Strasbourg. It was great fun to see your photos of Colmar and Petite France in Strasbourg. I have some pictures of my own from the same spots.
Your site has really good information on many rides I hope to do. I think I will be touring in Austria next year, on some of the routes reaching out from Passau.
Does your daughter still bike? And how about Heidi? From your descriptions of your later trips it sounds as though she isn't biking with you. Your descriptions of touring as a couple made me laugh quite a bit and recall some exchanges I have had with my wife Linda on the trail.
All the best and thank you for such an informative and fun site!
Sean S., Seattle